Preparing for baby’s arrival: newborn checklist

preparing for baby


So you’re having a baby, congrats! As you’ve probably realized, there’s so much to do as the months roll by. Our newborn checklist will help you feel more prepared so you’ll have everything ready for when baby comes home – especially if they’re born before the expected due date. If you’re a new parent our list includes baby essentials for the nursery, feeding, bath time, and diapering must-haves that will come in handy. And if this isn’t your first child, our checklist may help refresh your memory!

Let’s start with some things you need to consider first:    

  1. How you will feed your baby (and where).
  2. Bottles and sterilizing equipment you need to buy.
  3. Where your baby is going to sleep, bathe, and have their nappy-changed.
  4. Whether you’ll be using disposable or reusable nappies.
  5. Take a prenatal/baby class to help you learn what to expect during labour and delivery, and how to look after yourself and your baby.
  6. If it’s not your first child, prepare the siblings for baby’s arrival.
  7. Organise information for the people who will take care of your other children and pets while you’re in hospital.
  8. Choose your baby’s pediatrician.
  9. Prepare your hospital bag at 28 weeks (just in case baby arrives sooner than expected).

Preparing the nursery  

  • Approved crib & mattress that meet safety guidelines
  • Waterproof mattress cover and fitted sheets
  • Clothes storage
  • Remove beddings, blankets, pillows and soft toys to reduce risk of suffocation

Also make sure that the rest of your house is set up (and baby proofed) with changing supplies on each floor. Having a caddy stocked with diapers, wipes, clothes, nappy cream etc. is ideal and easy to carry around.


Diapering & Bath time

  • Reusable cloth diapers or disposable ones
  • Changing pad and changing table
  • Water-based wipes and wash cloths
  • Baby ointment or cream to prevent nappy rash
  • Nail clippers
  • Baby bathtub (or baby bath seat)
  • Baby Shampoo & soap
  • A scoop or cup for gentle water pouring
  • Soft towels and washcloths
  • Baby lotion or moisturiser

Baby gear & Accessories

  • Approved Infant car seat
  • Stroller
  • Thermometer
  • Pacifiers
  • Bulb syringe
  • Gentle, hypollargenic detergent for clothes and sheets


Child Sleeping with Avent Soother

Some nice, helpful (and comforting) things to have:

  • Nursing pillow
  • A comfortable feeding chair
  • Night lamp
  • Humidifier
  • Prepped nutritious meals for the first couple of weeks

Gather up your support network!

We tend to focus on when the baby comes and forget about what comes after. We will not sugarcoat it - the first few months are challenging. But take heart, a lot of parents went through this and you will eventually fall into a routine again – it just takes a little time to get used to. So make sure you find your support system and always ask for help whenever you need it.

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